Fascist painted in Gorliz
  • In the school of Gorliz, messages in favour of VOX, machistas and svasticas have been painted. In the face of the aggression, the feminist group Sorginen Alabak has called a repulsive rally for next Tuesday.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko maiatzaren 28a
Sorginen Alabak talde feministak egin ditu publiko pintaketen argazkiak

Students from the Gorliz school have painted murals on women’s rights and sexual diversity. The feminist collective Gorliz and Sorginen Alabak, of Plentzia and Gorliz, have described the event as transphobic, homophobic and machista aggression.

In order to denounce the aggression, the feminist group has called a repulsive rally for this Tuesday afternoon. Under the slogan “We will not tolerate hate messages” they will meet in the Church of Gorliz square at 19:00.