Good play of the pelotaris
  • The first strike in the world of the ball has been very effective: it is short, but with agreements that will serve in the long term. In addition, it can be an example for many other people who go on strike to resolve their labor disputes.
Juan Mari Arregi 2020ko urriaren 29a
Pilotariek hamabi egun egin dituzte borrokan (arg.: ELA sindikatua)

The strike is always effective, although not all demands are made immediately. They nullify the arguments of companies, institutions and governments, as well as of some sectors of workers, who give up the force of the strike, “with force nothing is achieved”, they say. Nineteen pelotaris have taught us that this is not the case.

The pelotaris have fought only twelve days since the start of the strike, in which they have been fighting. They have reached a sectoral agreement which, in addition to supporting the craftsmen of the bilbaíno promoter, will bring stability to the entire professional of the ball in the most difficult times of today. Recruitment, minimum wage, allowances, trainings, etc. It was they who had to negotiate and agree on the problems of precariousness and labour relations based on taxation and unilaterality.

Despite the fact that the protagonists are young, this important strike also sends a message of hope to secure the future of the world of the ball. The spokesmen of the strikers say that they have reached a satisfactory agreement for both sides and that, moreover, we have "achieved a satisfactory agreement also for the pelotars of the future". Good play by the Baiko striker pelotaris, who have been left out of the call.

This move, moreover, can serve not only for the world of the ball, but also for other sectors, as workers will often have to resort to the force of strike, especially in times of crisis in which such situations and conflicts are constantly multiplying.