The Ertzaintza Strikes Workers On Strike in Petronor
  • Petronor workers are on strike between June 11 and 20 to demand management to withdraw the ERTE. The workers have organised a powerful mobilisation schedule and are adding to the struggles of other companies in Bilbao in the various initiatives. During the morning of 15 June, the Ertzaintza attacked the labourers in front of the Muskiz refinery. The management called workers’ representatives to the negotiating table by 14 June.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 15
Argazkia: Petronorreko langileek Naiz hedabidera bidali duten bideotik hartua.

The ESK trade union explained that "it has become clear to us that the reasons leading the management to implement the ERTE dossier are not, as they say, productive and organizational". According to the report, "in a disorderly way, the vacation periods of a group are limited and the promised hiring is not covered, although they admit that it is necessary to anticipate the next retirements or increase the index of knowledge".

The demands of striking workers are compliance with the agreements, the withdrawal of the Temporary Employment Regulation Dossier proposed by Petronor’s management and the transition in a responsible and socially just way.

The Petronor workers have sent to the Naiz medium a video showing how the Ertzaintza has attacked the workers who were concentrating. One of the workers has been transferred to police units, where he has been arrested.

Photo: Taken from the video that Petronor workers have sent to the Naiz media.
March to Vitoria and joint mobilizations with other companies

Every day they concentrate from 6:00 to 17:30 hours in front of the Muskiz refinery, and at that time in the morning also the piquet. Petronor workers have begun a march in Vitoria-Gasteiz in the early morning of 15 June with the aim of reaching the Basque Parliament and agreeing in the Committee on Labour and Employment.

A joint demonstration of the following strike companies will be held in Bilbao on 18 June: Petronor, Tubacex, PCB and Bilboko Argiak. And on 15 June, a round table was held with the members of these companies.

The rally took place on 11 June, when the strike began in the Basque Country. Photo: @ikerokoeus