They report that the spill of Petronor has affected the fauna of the area
  • Petronor reported on Saturday morning that he had suffered an oil spill in the Biscayan municipality of Muskiz. The landfill reached the Barbadun river due to a hole in a tubo.Varias environmental associations have denounced that the fauna of the area has been affected by the collapse.
Oihane Arretxea Bereziartua @oihane_arretxea 2021eko otsailaren 16a
Sukar Horia talde ekologistak zabaldu du herritarrek bidali dioten bideoa: petrolioz zikindutako dortoka garbitzen ageri dira bertan.

On 13 February, the Petronor plant in Muskiz (Bizkaia) detected an oil spill by detecting a spot on the Barbadun River. On the same Saturday, Petronor reported that it was the consequence of a hole in a gas tube. According to the company, “the necessary control measures have been put in place immediately to prevent the products from reaching the river”, but Ekologistak Martxan has denounced the lack of transparency in a statement. It stresses that the environmental impact of landfill is not known and that no evaluation has been carried out. It has asked Petronor, the Basque Water Agency (URA) and the Department of the Environment to explain and take responsibility for it. “This is not the first time it has happened,” the association pointed out and called for concrete measures to ensure that it does not recur.

The ecological collective Sukar Horia has denounced on social networks that the spill has affected the fauna of the area and has broadcast a video recorded by Muskiz's neighbours. There they're cleaning up an oil stained turtle: