Greenpeace disseminates the message "Petronor dirty the sport" in the Zierbena race
  • "Petronor and Repsol are the companies that emit the most CO2 in the Basque Country and in the Spanish state respectively," said Greenpeace. "Take advantage of these kinds of events to clean up your image."  
Jon Torner Zabala @jtorner 2023ko uztailaren 10a
Greenpeacek eskatu du klima-larrialdietan gehien laguntzen duten enpresen mota guztietako publizitatea debekatzea, tabakoaren industriarekin egin zen bezala / Argazkia: Greenpeace

The environmental group has opened Stop greenwashing in the 'Petronor Flag' race of the Eusko Label League held on Sunday in Zierbena. Petronor dirty the pancarta sport with messages.

"[Petronor and Repsol] actively contribute to climate change and climate emergency while using all kinds of events to clean up their image," said Greenpeace activist Ana Parallé. "The demand is clear, that Petronor abandon fossil fuels, as well as advertising practices that have no other purpose than to deceive its polluting action and curb the real climate action." He adds that the dependence on fossil fuels is "extremely high" in the Basque Country and that, however, major energy companies try to give a picture of sustainability through sporting events, among others.

Request for a ban on advertising

Greenpeace has recalled that in the United Kingdom advertising of oil companies has been banned on the streets or in the media, but in the Spanish State there is still no similar law "to prevent these companies from cleaning up the image". In this regard, the environmental organization has called for a ban on all kinds of advertising of companies that contribute most to climate emergencies, as was the case with the tobacco industry.