Historical victory of Petro Zurdo in Colombia
  • The Historic Pact, leader of the coalition, has left the entrepreneur Rodolfo Hernández behind in an unprecedented victory: Gustavo Petro has become the most voted president in history. In addition to being one of the 20 most violent countries in the world, Colombia is a country that has been of great importance in recent decades from the point of view of the United States and its neoliberal policies.
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Gustavo Petro eta Francia Márquez, igandeko emaitzak ospatzen.

Gustavo Petro was elected Colombian President in the second round of the presidential elections on 19 June, with more than 50% of the votes cast. In particular, the leader of the left coalition called the Historical Pact obtained 50.69% of the votes, accounting for 94.57% of them.

Uribism had the hope that entrepreneur Rodolfo Hernandez would win, but he has won 47.04% of the vote. Thus, they have marked a milestone in the history of a country that suffers one of the highest levels of violence in the world. Never did a left-wing candidate win the presidency.

"Today's victory is a historic order of transformation of Colombia. For dignity, for social justice and for environmental justice, for our freedom. We are committed to integrity and transparency. It will be a mandate for life," said Vice-President France Márquez.

"Today is a holiday for the people. Let the first popular victory be celebrated. May this joy that overflows in the heart of the homeland alleviate so many sufferings suffered. A victory for God, for the People and for their history. Today is the day of the streets and squares," Petro said on Twitter.

The Petro programme proposes a radical change in the economic model, based on the impetus of agricultural production, in order to tackle inequality following the agricultural reform. In Colombia, more than half the land is in the hands of privileged %2.

During the election day two militants and social leaders of the Petro party have been killed in the municipalities of Guapi and El Patía, in the department of Cauca.

As the results have just been known, tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets to celebrate political change throughout Colombia. Here are some videos: