People's well-being and the smart industry under consideration
Rober Gutiérrez @robergutierrez 2022ko urriaren 25

We are on the doorstep of the sixth edition of the Enpresarean Fair. Bai Euskarari Elkartea began in 2010 to take the first steps in the project, affecting the fulfillment of another socioeconomic space in Euskera. Since then, conferences, forums, fairs and television programmes have been organised to meet the needs of businesses and professionals. We have talked about ways to deal with the crisis, the implementation of sustainable development objectives, people management, digitisation or transformation challenges, entrepreneurship, business financing, etc. In this area, Spanish predominates. Consequently, it was considered necessary to fill a gap and create a resource for professionals of companies that use the Basque country to get to know, encourage collaboration, talk, debate and share projects.

The well-being of people and the smart industry will be the issues that we will address on 3 November in Orona-Ideo. At this year’s Enpresarean Fair we will focus on the future, together with professionals and Basque companies, with the aim of sharing strategies, examples and learning that have been launched in the face of instabilities and economic and social transformations on the part of administrations as well as companies.

The issue has many aspects and it is a great challenge to address it all. That is why we will reflect on the future of the world of work, especially by analysing the balance between the progress being made in the smart industry and the well-being of people. We will make known and share the good strategies and practices of Basque companies in these matters.

In this sense, digitalization and technology are of great importance, but at this time of instability we also want to put people's well-being at the centre. What is the strategy of Basque companies on this issue? Is the Basque business fabric building a competitiveness geared to well-being? How can people's well-being and economic development be reconciled? What progress is there in the smart industry? How will they influence people's well-being? Is it creating a new economy focused on people's well-being? And in all of this, what is the place of Euskera?

To these and many other questions we will try to answer surrounded by many professionals. The Bai Euskarari Association, through the Enpresarean trade show, will offer a place of reflection on all this, both in Basque and Basque. Don't miss it.


Rober Gutiérrez, Director of the Bai Euskarari Association