People in the center
Rober Gutiérrez @robergutierrez 2024ko ekainaren 28a

After the post-election negotiation phase, PNV and PSE-EE have laid the groundwork for a government agreement between the two to “advance welfare, progress, self-government and transformation of the global Euskadi”. An 11-page document details the commitments and activities that the next Basque Government is going to take up in its programme.

The first consensual axis is that of the people in the center. It sets out objectives such as ensuring equal opportunities and equal outcomes for all people, reducing inequalities, etc. With a view to achieving the objectives, they have identified the “popular priorities”, including the only reference to language throughout the document: “Euskera. Objective: wherever, at any time. To enable the use of Euskera in all areas of life”. In the following axes of the agreement (growth and welfare model; energy transformation and sustainability; coexistence, memory and human rights; increased self-government), and in the objectives of these axes and in local priorities, there is no additional mention of language. Later on, more concrete policies will emerge that will put the Basque country at the centre.

The development of policies that put people at the centre must prioritize the needs, rights and well-being of people. In other words, improving our quality of life and satisfying our needs in a comprehensive way, languages are essential variables for this.

Public institutions should be promoters and promoters in order to make possible the use of Euskera in all areas of life. Edonon at any time

Although steps have been taken within the administration to enable the use of Euskera in all areas of life, there are known deficiencies in some areas, such as direct and telephone care in some departments, or deficiencies that have long become chronic in Osakidetza, the Justice Administration and the Ertzaintza. Although people are at the centre, we are far from guaranteeing linguistic rights and using Euskera normally, anywhere and at any time.

Similarly, in the Government Agreement I have missed other measures, such as a link between the socio-economic area and language. Once the Government has been formed, the relevant departments will surely agree on the specific policies and measures and resources to be developed. In recent times, we are talking about the strategy of the world of work, the influence of the socio-economic space and the structuring nature of the language development. An important part of our life is spent at work and another important part is spent at the work of others. Socio-economic relations are not neutral, have a close relationship with the distribution of powers and resources, and often generate inequalities and conflicts, including linguistic ones.

Basque experts, jurists and representatives of different administrations, companies and trade unions are working on the new strategies to euskaldunify the socio-economic field. This is not the first time that we have thought about the place of languages in this area.

Now that the next government of the Basque Autonomous Community is about to settle, I would like to invite the new government to dream about the ideal situation, to act with ambition and to work and agree on the challenges with the other actors involved in the system.

We have insisted on the need for a systemic vision, we have to articulate a system that articulates well all the actors that are part of the world of work. In order to be able to use Euskera comfortably in the working world and in all spaces of the socio-economic sphere in general, we must delve deeper into the path that has been taken so far. Through education, it is necessary to guarantee to the generations that the possibility of using Euskera in comfort, also in the workplace, is being underpinned. In order to create and structure the right conditions, we need a clear vision and a new, comprehensive, firm and consensual socio-political pact, as well as a linguistic policy, effective measures (language clauses, incentives, Euskera’s guarantee in the supported activities...) that go beyond promotion and awareness-raising campaigns.

Public institutions should be promoters and promoters in order to make possible the use of Euskera in all areas of life. Edonon at any time The current decisions that place Euskera in the center of the city will help to build a future that places people in the center.

Rober Gutiérrez