Search for a migrant in the Bidasoa River
  • On 18 April, a person who has fallen to the river is sought in order to cross the border on the Bidasoa River. Last year, seven people lost their lives in trying to cross the border between France and Spain, and one this year. The person you're looking for could be the second death in what's going on this year.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 27a
Muga zeharkatu asmoz hildakoen oroimenez, loreak Bidasoa ibaiaren ertzean (Argazkia: Irungo Harrera Sarea) Muga zeharkatu asmoz hildakoen oroimenez, loreak Bidasoa ibaiaren ertzean (Argazkia: Irungo Harrera Sarea)

The search work started this Wednesday morning on the Bidasoa River. On 18 April, in order to cross the border, a migrant is sought who has fallen to the river; the missing person was accompanied by two other people when he fell to the river in Endarlatsa (Lesaka, Navarra). According to EiTB, the two people accompanying the missing were informed on Tuesday of the disappearance through an NGO to help migrants.

The operation, coordinated by the Basque Government's Emergency Care Service, takes place in the Ertzaintza Surveillance and Rescue Unit and the Hondarribia Red Cross. The Ertzaintza is tracking the border area between Gipuzkoa and Navarra, and the Red Cross is located on the island of the Faisanes and the mouth of the Bidasoa.

The attempt to cross the border between France and Spain was made last year with the death of seven people, and since the beginning of the year one person. In March, Ibrahim Diallo, 24, drowned in the Bidasoa River after falling into the water with the intention of crossing the border. The person you're looking for could be the second death in what's going on this year.