Getxo Municipal Police incites to persecute Maghreb people
  • Several police officers have confessed that the head of the Municipal Police has asked them to repress the Maghreb youth. Algorta's platform 'Ez Irentsi Arrazakeria Amua' denounced in summer the increase of "police persecutions and controls against the Maghreb", among other initiatives.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2024ko urriaren 01

One more example of the repressive and racist action of the police has recently come to light. Several officers of the Getxo Municipal Police (Bizkaia) have admitted to pressuring the head of the Municipal Police to persecute the Maghreb youths. Moreover, it seems that the head of the municipal police has expressly ordered the persecution of the Maghreb, even if there is no presumed crime.

According to the Vocento group, several agents at the Getxo police station have explained in a statement what racist order they have given themselves in the operation. Among other things, it has encouraged the main players to carry out "arbitrary identifications" and to carry out "more arrests" against people engaged in the Maghreb.

Getxo City Hall (PNV), for its part, wished to refute the information provided by Confesbask. Last Saturday afternoon, through platform X, he posted a message stating that "there is no pressure to chase anyone" within the municipal police.

Racist attacks by the police

The SOS Racism Bizkaia group has warned that it has been warning for years that the police are carrying out identifications "according to their ethnic profile" and that numerous complaints are being received for this reason. "It's a racist practice that isn't just done at the Getxo police station: it's done by all the police forces there," says SOS Racism.

This group analyzes every year all the racist attacks that have taken place in our hands. As reported last July, more than half of Bilbao’s allegations were due to racist assaults. 83% of the accidents were recorded in the Spanish National Police and the Civil Guard.

Do not swallow the hook of racism

In Algorta, the Ez Irentsi Arrazakeria Amua platform has been presented this summer, with the aim of confronting the growing racist attitudes and discourses. "The racist discourse, especially against the Maghreb, is spreading a lot, both in the media and in social media, but also in the street as well as in the mouth," they said. They also pointed out that "police persecution and control against the Maghreb" has been intensified and called on "to organize the response and solidarity against racist attitudes and discourses".