Letter from Pedro Sánchez to the King of Morocco: “My guarantee is that Spain acts with total transparency from a great friend and ally”
  • The President of the Spanish Government sent a letter to King Mohamed VI on 18 March, four days before Morocco announced the historic change of position in Spain.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2022ko martxoaren 23a

The letter has been published in the printed edition of the journal El País. In his introduction, Sánchez explains that with the letter he wants to “transfer some important ideas” for “new relations between the kingdoms of Spain and Morocco”.

“A new relationship”

“Our goal must be to build a new relationship,” says Sánchez in the letter. “From transparency and permanent communication, from mutual respect and respect for the agreements signed by both parties and from the abstention of any unilateral action, to live up to the importance of all that we share and to avoid future crises between our two countries”

Morocco ' s “serious and credible” efforts

Sánchez, in addition to acknowledging “the importance of the issue of Western Sahara for Morocco”, stresses “the serious and convincing efforts it makes to find a mutually acceptable solution within the framework of the United Nations”. At this point it places Morocco’s proposal for autonomy for the Sahara in 2007. It should be recalled that the Sahrawi people do not accept Morocco’s proposal and that the UN calls for a referendum on self-determination to resolve the conflict in a “non-decolonized” territory. For Sánchez, however, the most “serious, credible and realistic” proposal to resolve this “discrepancy” is that of Morocco.

“Commitments and Word”

The PSOE has decided to unilaterally change a historic position in Spain without sharing anything with the representatives of Western Sahara, with any opposition party or with its government partner, Podemos. However, Sánchez assured the king of Morocco that “Spain” will fulfill the “commitments and the word” contained in his letter: “In this new context, I have a guarantee that Spain will act with total transparency as a great friend and ally. I guarantee that Spain will always fulfil its commitments and its word.”

Migration management

Sánchez has called for a Mohamed meeting VI.ari “as soon as possible” to “face together” the common challenges. And concrete: Cooperation for the management of migratory flows in particular in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

Here is the letter published by El País: