Pedro Sánchez warns of lockdown
  • On Tuesday afternoon, the president of the Spanish State, Pedro Sánchez, unveiled the measures of de-confinement in the Spanish State and, therefore, in Hegoalde. The process will last six weeks and will be divided into four phases. Each of them will last for two weeks. The aim is to "bring about a new normality by the end of June" throughout the Spanish state. Sánchez has made known the general measures of each of the phases of the process. It calls for the alarm state to be extended for another two weeks.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2020ko apirilaren 28a
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What will de-escalation look like? "Gradual, asymmetric and coordinated," he began by saying. Activity and social mobility have been divided into different phases. "The units will be the provinces and will not be able to move between the provinces." In other words, in Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarra, there will be permission to move within each territory, but it will not be possible to move from one place to another.

Mobility will be possible "once the new normality has been achieved".

The Spanish Government has divided it into four phases:

Phase Zero, from 4 May: Preparation for the transition, current situation. On May 2, people can be taken out for physical activity and economic activities such as restaurants or bars that can feed people to bring them home will be permitted. Following this, the Spanish Government has established three distinct phases, which will initially be at least two weeks per territory:

First phase, in principle from 11 May, in which activities such as small trade will be allowed to commence. Commercial centres cannot be opened. In terraces or hotels, the opening of hotels or tourist accommodation shall be authorised, except in common spaces. The opening of the premises shall be subject to time limitations. Prayer spaces may be opened with aphors. In public transport, the mask will be "especially recommended", as explained by the organization.

The second phase, initially at two weeks: if the stated objectives are achieved, they will be allowed to open inside the hotel rooms with a capacity of 30%. The course will start in September. Hunting and fishing shall be permitted, cinemas and theatres shall be opened with a capacity of 30%, with pre-fixed seats; cultural and outdoor events of less than 50 persons below 400 shall be permitted, provided that they are seated.

Third phase, initially two weeks: This will be the advanced stage. Commercial premises must respect half the capacity and two metres of interpersonal space. Mobility measures will be made more flexible. The beaches will open at this stage.

Examination every two weeks

The Spanish Ministry of Health will determine the conditions and be made public during these days. Each territory will be evaluated every two weeks and it will be decided whether each province moves to the next phase. Each phase will last for two weeks and by the end of June Sánchez wants to have a "new normality".

On 4 May, all the territories will enter the first phase. Several islands of the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands have advanced throughout the day. In response to a question from a journalist from Nacional Digital, the Basque Government is investigating the possibility of distributing a number of hours to order exits.

A journalist reminded him that he said that this crisis "is not paid by the usual" and asked him what the crisis is. Sanchez said that some taxes were already being prepared, but he ignored the question.

In his first words he remembered the dead. "As a society we have a double debt to them," he added. In setting these measures, he explained that the experiences of other countries have been taken into account.