That bertsolari Pedro Mari Otaño died in Argentina 111 years ago, in the shadow of an ombu. He was born in 1857, in Zizurkil, in the Errekalde farmhouse, which had a walnut on the portico, one of the largest bertsolaris. He was born and educated in an atmosphere of bertsolarism. Bertsolari and the liberal family. He went to America three times, to Argentina. It was not as in previous centuries as corsario, colonizer or conqueror. For the first time he left by accident, as an uncompromising; for the second time, boring from the fate of here, rebels before the situation; for the third time, like many other emigrants.
Life had touched him in exciting times. Clearing the traces and influence of the Old Regime, absolute chaos in the construction of a new world: democracy or the old regime; national liberation or the expansion of imperialism; capital growth or socialist revolution. And gradually raising their heads against racism (the independence of Haiti, the U.S. civil war…) and the new steps of feminism (suffragettes, working women…).
This troubled situation affects Euskal Herria. On the one hand, the various liberal movements (conservative monarchists, progressive monarchists, republicans) and, on the other, the forces of the Old Regime, also in terrible chaos. Liberals and Carlists in our people. On the other hand, in 1845 the industrialization process began in Gipuzkoa.
"In exciting times, it touched him to live. Complete chaos in the construction of a new world that dispels the traces and influence of the Old Regime"
Pedro Mari Otaño, faced with this great opportunity (defense of the Old Regime or opening doors to a new time), was liberal and not carlist. Pedro Mari Otaño was a Republican in one of the great debates among liberals: Peace with the King or the implementation of the Republic. In a serious debate between Republicans (centralist and defender of forces), Pedro Mari Otaño was in favour of defending sovereignty in the Forces when building a new society. He was in favour of the seven coming together, and suddenly he placed the Basque in the city centre. In his verses he applauds the defense of the nation of Sabino Arana and regrets the attitude of Unamuno with the Basque.
Pedro Mari Otaño Barriola was born in a family full of bertsolaris. And by father and mother, the whole family was liberal, unless the majority of the people were carlist, in Zizurkil. The relationships between each other were filled with terrible relationships. Otaño chose to inject herself to war (1875) and moved to American Argentina. Back in Argentina, here he found the disappearance of the forces, the disaster of politics, the descent of the Basque country and, willingly, attempted it in the Basque movement: Manterola, Arzak, the Artola brothers… At one point he decided to return to America. As it says in the verse of the farewell: “I’m going to America by my own will, I’m bored of luck here…”
On the return of America (1890), he became fully involved in the Vascophilous, foral movement of San Sebastian. Singing verses, writing, pulling out the book… But I had no choice. And it was for the third time in America, this time as an immigrant, in search of a dignified life. She was very loved. His farewell became massive in the port of Pasaia. Txirrita sang with a beautiful verse the farewell.
Emigrant in the Argentine Pampa. In addition to eating and living in various jobs, he worked passionately for the Basque country. There he wrote many beautiful verses. Laurak Bat founded the first Euskaltegi in Argentina. He outlined a grammar of the Basque Country. He was president of the Euskera chair in the Laurak bat society. He defended the nation of the seven provinces and the center of the nation, the Basque, and denounced the false wars and advances of the world. He died in 1911 in the shadow of the ombu in the nostalgia of the walnut before the house Errekalde, where he was born.
The film Ombuaren Itzala is the title of the film that Film Eguzki Art will make about the life of Otaño. It wants to be produced in Auzolan and spread in Auzolan. The festival of bertsos Ombuaren Itzala will be offered on June 23 at the Niessen Aretoa with the presentation of the project. I live in Errenteria and you've visited me.