The Health Center of the neighborhoods of Casco Viejo and Errota of Vitoria-Gasteiz has had four months without a pediatrician
  • 22,051 citizens are attended by the center. The center actually has two pediatricians, but only one in every 2021 is available. This only drop occurred in September, there is no provision for substitutes and the situation can be lengthy. In April 2023, the platform Araba de Salud Pública Aurrera denounced that ten of the 43 places of pediatrician with Álava were vacant.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2024ko urtarrilaren 22a
Gasteizko Alde Zaharreko Osasun Zentroa. Argazkia: ARGIA

The shortcomings of the Old Party Health Center come by far. As several parents have explained to ARGIA, the center has two pediatricians assigned, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, but since 2016 the reality is different. In 2016, two pediatricians worked, but both were on a shorter working day, and Osakidetza did not replace the hours remaining. In 2021, the afternoon pediatrician moved to another center and since then his place has been covered. They diverted their quota to the Olaguibel Health Center. More than two years ago, therefore, there is only one pediatrician in the centre of the Old Party and the citizens only have service in the morning. And necessarily in Spanish, because the pediatrician is not Basque.

The situation has worsened more recently, as in September the only remaining pediatrician left and Osakidetza has not replaced. Since then, Osakidetza has taken the children to the Olagibel, Aranbizkarra I and Aranbizkarra II centres.

The situation can last a long time.

LAB confirms the above information to ARGIA. It specifies that there is a nurse who deals with vaccines or reviews, but not with pediatricians. He adds that in the center they have doubts about whether the pediatrician will return because the sick leave is long and longer. Moreover, it is possible to retire without reincorporation, and in that case the health center can continue very long without pediatric service because “there is no pediatrician”.

The Old Town Health Center of Vitoria-Gasteiz serves two neighborhoods, the Casco Viejo and the Molino. According to the data provided by the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz on January 1, 2024, there are 12,827 registered people in the Molino and in the Casco Viejo 9,224: 22.051. LAB has explained from Osakidetza that the center of the Old Part is a “complicated” center for the pediatric service, as there are many children and many pathologies, including those related to poverty.

Serious and general shortcomings

In 2016, the ELA union reported that the pediatric service of Álava was “collapsed” by “the negligence of Osakidetza”. Seven years later, in April 2023, the Children’s Public Health platform of Álava Aurrera denounced the “serious situation” of the service, listing in a multitudinary appearance some deficiencies: “Inability to contact the Administration, long waiting lists, difficulty to receive in-person care, lack of common protocol, little time with patients, impossibility or difficulty to receive care in Basque”. The platform also provided the following information: Of the 43 places of pediatrics in Álava, ten were deserted, almost 25%.

Appearance of the Araba Public Health Platform Aurrera in April 2023. Photo: So be it.