Pedaling for decent pensions
  • Around twenty people from the Gipuzkoa pensioner movement made a cycling march for Gipuzkoa between 24 and 29 May. About sixteen cyclists circulated daily, four more people with a van and a truck, and from time to time other pensioners joined them. Here's the chronicle of Joxe Iriarte Bikila who participated in the tour.
Joxe Iriarte, Bikila 2021eko ekainaren 16a
Argazkia: Pentsiodunak Gipuzkoa

Monday, 24 May.

Orereta is a pioneer in the movement of pensioners. We left there at 9:00, surrounded by regular friends, with all the sweetboats, torches and paraphernalia. Two months of organisational work are left behind. Besides drawing in detail the route of the Gipuzkoan tour, it has been necessary to organize with the groups of the towns the arrival time, the route, where and when to eat, dine, sleep, etc. And most importantly, train a proper cycling team and a carrier team. Therefore, having left all this well tied, we have embarked on the road.

It's a cruel beginning. In the rain, we are soon soaked with bones, with feet and hands hurt by the cold, but the heart was beating and the head was filled with sparks. We responded to the bad weather by screaming, screaming and putting a good face. We have made Pasaia, Trintxerpe and Donostia-Sagües and we have made a break with our colleagues from ELA, Steilas and LAB. In Hernani we have been prepared a great welcome, just as in the Plaza de Goiko de Andoain, and in the latter the organizers have been in the Casa Consistorial, since it does not authorize the access of the van and the truck to the plaza. After spinning all over Tolosa, we ended up in the square, between applause from many people, with the bertsolari Amaia Agirre and the sound of the batukada.

Tuesday 25.

We have come to Legorreta at full speed. In Beasain, trade union representatives are at the entrance of the people. Here are Lazkao and Ordizia. In the latter, we welcome in the market square, by the hand of Mayor Adur Ezenarro, and in it, cooked by the North-South Group of Segura, we await the paella of Christ, still gal-gal. Ormaiztegi. What would General Zumalakarrangi think when he saw a column like ours? Our demands are no longer God and the Exiles, but to secure decent pensions. Izaga's hillside. Oh my God! The column has elongated long enough and we have climbed by holding it to our own capabilities, to end up dominating the slope. Zumarraga, Urretxu. We ended up in Plaza del Piruloa. Great welcome in a festive atmosphere with singers. We mountaineers sing with the melody: Pensioners ahead, we all go to the streets, to get dignified lives, to triaralaratrialar... And we had a very good dinner, made by the local team (in this case women).


Bikila making paella in the market square of Ordizia.

Wednesday 26.

On the road to Legazpi, the reception of firefighters has been very emotional. After the suffocating entrance to the Legazpigrad of Patricio Etxeberria, owner and owner, we met a beautiful town. With the help of the teachers, the boys and girls in the schools greet us with cries and applause. The slope of Udana is lighter than that of Iza, however, your breath is squeezed if you don't. Come down to Oñati, with the bellows full of cries of joy.

In the Plaza de los Fueros de Oñati a large group of people await us, including the flags of the unions ELA, LAB and ESK. At the exit, a tremendous fire hustle with his sirens and his tubes. Roar. We join the protest of the workers of the Aita Menni Hospital before the City Hall. After eating, Aretxabaleta, Eskoriatza and back. Stop at Antzuola Square. And finally, Bergara. Mayor Gorka Artola has given us some kind words. As a performance, the destruction of the wall of capitalism, pulling workers, pensioners, feminists and youths. And two bertsolaris, one of them is Maite Aristegi, a peasant syndicalist, former Amaiur parliamentarian in Madrid, and also bertsolari. Jesús Mari Soubies, a member of the Pentsionistak Araba group, gave an interesting talk about pensions.

Thursday 27.

The first stop is Soraluze and from there we head to Eibar. In Unzaga Square, II. We have been in a historic place where the republic was proclaimed. In Elgoibar the party is in Maala Square. The action of the old rockers and then the bertsolari speaks clearly: “Has the performance of these years been fair and beautiful / Is it sin to ask what is owed to us with justice? / let us join the pensioners, the day will come / we will breathe without the virus of despair”.

On the way to Deba, the boys and girls of the school of Mendaro receive us screaming “come aititas, aititas”. Later we enter the area of a quarry to collect everyone, but entering a hole that has the iron grill covering the entrance channel, we burst the front bottom of the van. First incident. Change the background and move forward. From Itziar to Mutriku. Mutriku, a nice and rebellious town to get into the platoon... And it costs down to get out! Finally, Must. They have prepared us a massive welcome and a wonderful welcome. Welcome to Mayor Gilen García with music.

Friday 28.

Starting with the slope of Itziar. He choked me. The worst thing is not to climb the hill, but the hurdle that cars and trucks are taking to our side. The platoon stopped for a moment to let the caravan pass, and I decided to move on. Since then, thanks to the wall that makes our platoon, I rise at my pace with peace of mind. What a difference! And the downhill, flipting! I go like a child, cheerful and joyful. Zumaia. At the entrance we have students of different ages, applauding us on both sides of the road. It's exciting. In the welcome Jon Maia – often luxury! – has offered us beautiful bertsos. At the exit there are many young people from ESO encouraging us. Yes friends, we are in favour of us and your pension.

We soon entered Getaria and then Zarautz. There too, a wonderful welcome in the Plaza de la Música, and the bertsos of Andoni Egaña have enjoyed our ears. We eat well and we climb the hill again, on the road of Orio. Fighting with the hill, mumbling with our cushion a little, “if I had eaten a little less”... after death, hot broth. In Orio, two young children and their mother have worked as foremen.

We are in Usurbil, in front of the mural of Zumeta, Mayor Agurtzane Solabarrieta has left our words in favour of the struggle and we have enjoyed the beautiful verses of Unai Muñoa. It's the last day, and we have the sports club. Except in Tolosa, every night we have spent them in fronts or sports; on hard ground and on the mat we have arranged the body one way or another. You eat when you wake up. Years don't forgive. As a measure of COVID-19, almost the entire group has slept every night in tents. The others moved away from each other, placing themselves on the corners. That is, by taking security measures, we organized our night as an Indian tribe.

Saturday 29.

The coronavirus has asked us to take security measures, but who would have thought that the van and the small truck also needed care? How do we know that, at night, we were going to be attacked by the people and get through the four wheels? The officers of the Municipal Police are also very surprised by this kind of fact in Usurbil, and also against us. Fixing everything has brought us a delay, but in the end we have set in motion to reach Donostia by Zubieta and Lasarte. Reception at the Santa Catalina Bridge of the group of pensioners of Donostia. We have also crossed the neighborhoods of Altza and Intxaurrondo. Along with the rest of the capitals of Euskal Herria, it is time for the demonstration. It's been great, given that we're still suffering from the pandemic.

The talk, the jokes and the endless stories of driver Jon have stopped us from crashing. We have left collective experiences behind. Fatigue and joy. And the acts of the people, whose organization has had the participation of women very clear. Except in Hernani, all aurresku dantzaris from other villages have been girls. And without the traditional Alarde realizing that tradition is going to live, among other things, by the hand of women, or not going to be.

In general, we can say that the groups of those peoples have been reactivated and activated, and let us face the future. And that is that, as we said in the demonstration document, “despite the fact that the Toledo Pact and the vote in Congress demonstrate the viability of the public pension system, reforms that lower pensions are kept and open the doors to further cuts”. And, as if that were not enough, a hurricane of wind is coming from Europe in favour of the privatisation of pensions.

One of the most beautiful results this week has been the relationship that we have woven with different agents and the synergy that we have worked with each other. Trade unions, feminists, youth groups and social partners have accompanied us to claim a minimum pension of EUR 1,080. A decent and public pension. No restrictions. No gender gaps. After all, the wages of today’s workers have to do with tomorrow’s pensions; also with ensuring decent and fixed work. And that those of you who are young today know that our struggle is yours as well. It has been a lesson for everyone. And taking action in the face of the pandemic is not stupid. But the struggle continues without frightening, shrinking or discouraging. It's possible!