Stories from Old China II
  • Jexux Eizagirre Portillo has compiled, selected and written versions of the old Chinese tales. ARGIA will update a short story to read, and we will be able to hear the illustrations of Maitane Gartziandia, which have been written with the beautiful voice of Pako Eizagirre Irure.
Jexux Eizagirre Portillo 2020ko apirilaren 08a

In one village, in the Qinghai region, a new ruler was elected, due to the age of its predecessor. The reigning elder, as usual, gave his advice to the news: “Bear patience.” The "rookie" replied in the affirmative.

A month later they found themselves in the main square. The old man obeyed the young man in the same order and he responded to it.

A month later they found themselves in the market and the old man gave the same order to the young man, who responded in the same way.

A month later, when the great village hall was crowded with people, they meet. The old woman began to yawn to say something. But the young man interrupted his conversation by screaming:

"I know what you're going to say to me." –. Everybody turned their heads to find out who was screaming. Then the old man said,

"See?" – she answered with sweetness and softness – You have not yet learned to take patience.

Previous stories:

- Fox and tiger.