Patxi Iriart imposed on Saturday in the third round of the XILABA 2021 Championship
  • On Saturday (October 2) the third elimination of the Bertsolaris Championship of Euskal Herria, in La Capital, was disputed. Aitor Servier Etxexuri and Kerman Díaz were second and third, respectively. About 100 Bertsolaris fans met in the La Perle room in the Vizcaine capital. Next Saturday he will go to Gabadi in the fourth season program. @bertsozale 2021eko urriaren 04a

The Bertsolaris XILABA 2021 Championship held the third session of the eliminators in the La Perle Hall of the capital.El winner of the competition was Patxi Iriart, with 416.5 points, and has been directly classified for the next phase of the test to be held in Izpura. This is how the BBVA League qualifies:

Patxi Iriart ................................. 416.5

Aitor Sevier Etxexuri ................ 410.5

Kerman Diaz ....................... 399.0

Iker Altuna ......

Josu Txoperena Iribarren ........... 359.5

Pettan Prebende ....................319.5

The fourth eliminator of the XILABA Bertsolaris Championship will be held next Saturday at the Herriko Gela in Gabadi, with the bertsolaris Amets Arzallus Antia, Odei Barroso Gomila, Maindi Murua Berra, Maddi Sarasua Laskarai, Johaine Sarraillet and Egoitz Zelua. The presenter will be Amaiur Lujanbio.

The session will begin at 17:00. As usual, tickets can be purchased on the same site.