Employers' mantra source of segregation
Nagore Iturrioz Lopez @Nagoreiturrioz Ainhoa Astigarraga Blanco Steilas sindikatua @STEILAS_ 2022ko abenduaren 23a

According to the definition of Euskaltzaindia the mantra is an idea or phrase that is constantly repeated. The mantra of private schools is that they do not receive sufficient public funds to cover the actual cost of each school post. But often repetition makes lies not come true.

Although the current Decree regulating the Educational Concert of 1987 obliges, in the last 40 years private centers have not taken any step towards gratuity. On the contrary, by managing the right to education through an increasingly crude market logic, competition has been imposed in order to offer a wider and more attractive educational offer, although this entails extra costs. Violations and tricks to attract students who make an economic contribution have been frequent in recent years, and the complicity and rejection of the Basque Government has been a common practice, accommodating the demands of any private educational center and creating a system of universal consultation that has made possible the savage segregation of students of low socioeconomic level that we suffer.

Currently, this competence created by the private network in the educational system has affected educational criteria, social cohesion and equal opportunities. The private centres have not found obstacles on the part of the Basque Government, in the name of subfinancing, to break the rules of the game. Faced with this permissiveness, they do not have to be afraid to create so many econic holes in their current accounts without transparency. Examples include: Opening a classroom from 0 to 3 ages, offering more teaching hours per week than those they have to offer, performing works of alperrika based on criteria of catching students of the sections HEZOOP (courtyards, multi-sports, facades, pools...), creating management positions, hiring marketing officers, etc. This leads them to collect illegal quotas from families, because it costs them to climb that train from the educational market in the name of quality, full of competitiveness. But it is even more expensive for the whole of society to classify and discriminate against social cohesion.

Will there ever be sufficient funding to allow gratuity? Why should society finance the concerted educational system? Why is there not a strong publication process to consolidate a public education system?

But retrieving the initial phrase -- his argument is obvious. A few days ago we learned from the media that the directors of private ikastolas and the Christian school calculate each year an increase of EUR 1,500 per student in order to be able to stop collecting the fees, that is, some EUR 250 million. In an interview held on September 17, 2017 by Mikel Ormazabal, "The Christian School would be willing to give up the fees charged to families if the Basque Government raises 25% of the funding".

The financial modules for public money received by private concerted centres increased by 17% between 2017 and 2022. We could therefore be close by using the logic of the employers, but NO, repeat MANTRA. Now, in addition to the EUR 4,174 per student receiving Kristau Eskola and the Ikastolas Confederation, they say they would need EUR 1,500 more, 36% more. In addition, they say that after inflating their current accounts with 17% of public money, they are worse than in 2017. There seems to be no overfunding interrupting the mantra.

The political parties that are going on the education law should sincerely answer the following questions: Will there ever be sufficient funding to allow gratuity? Why should society finance the concerted educational system? Why is there not a strong publication process to consolidate a public education system?

In order not to be deceived, behind this mantra constantly repeated to us by the employers of Education there are only two things, mercantilism and covert segregation!

Nagore Iturrioz Lopez and Ainhoa Astigarraga Blanco, STEILAS Union