'Pastorol': The supply of role-playing games in Euskera is growing
  • Pello Gutierrez, a member of Rolariak, has created the collaborative role game Pastorola, based on the narrative and structure of the pastoral women of Zuberoa. With the objective of playing in Basque, last year the association presented the game Adur rol. This is the path that Pastorola has followed.
Jon Torner Zabala @jtorner 2022ko irailaren 06a
'Atopia RPG', 'Adur', 'Pastorola'... euskarazko hainbat rol joko sortu da azken urteetan / Argazkia: Tabakalera Medialab

"We want to play and encourage role-playing in Basque," explains Gutiérrez in "To do this, we translate and create role-playing in other languages." Follow, Fiasco and Ellas have been the art models. "Role-playing is a kind of table game, made to tell a story among them, in an improvised way," says journalist Irati Esparza-Guimon, "the usual thing is that one of the players is the guide, assuming the central side of the story. In Pastorola, there are no drivers, and that responsibility is shared to guide history among all players."

"When last year I went to see the pastoral Abdelkader, I thought the narrative structure and the ways of the pastoralists were very appropriate to structure a role-playing narrative game," says Gutiérrez.

The new game can be downloaded on the Rolariak website. Although no physical units have been created yet, Gutiérrez says that they are going to make a small spin at the prices that he had the impression of selling it in the San Sebastian Fog bookstore. It will also be available at the Durango Fair.


More and more people are dedicated to role-playing in Basque. Proof of this is, for example, the @rolaris who bring together some 70 people on the Telegram channel, who organised the Rolaldia in 2020, which brought together 80-100 people. O Atopia RPG, the first role-playing game created and published in Basque (created in 2019 by the Etzi Portu Maritimoa group).

Looking to the future, Rolariak has more initiatives in hand. "In collaboration with the San Sebastian Fantastic Film and Terror Festival, we will organize Beldurrola to play the Basque horror role-playing games, and we are also organizing something at the Durango Fair," Gutiérrez announced.