Josu Arrieta (Member of the Amurrio People's Party Committee):
"We want to promote a holiday model based on participation"
  • The countdown has already begun, the programme prepared by the Amurrio People's Party Commission will be launched in a few days' time. Josu Arrieta has been involved in the preparatory work with other young people and is eager to present the result in public.
Aimar Gutierrez Bidarte Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2021eko abuztuaren 10

Why have you decided to reorganize the holiday programme?

Last year we decided to act responsibly and not organize any holiday program, understanding that this was the most effective way to deal with the health emergency. In September we reconvened the members of the committee for the Popular Festivities and decided to address a challenge: Support and take forward the festivities and small celebrations of the neighborhoods of Amurrio in 2021. The situation has also been complicated and few such activities have taken place in the village, but in December

Together with the Traditions group we organized the reception of the Olentzero at the chapel of San Roque. Now that summer comes, it seems that the situation has improved, it has become clear that there is a responsible way of doing things. This year we have launched a very participatory and varied programme for 13, 14 and 15 August.

In May we decided to go ahead with the programme. We will celebrate the Festival of Amurrio and will be the festivities. We have prepared a program of less days, conditioned by the state of health, and reduced the night offering by reinforcing other activities, but we will celebrate the holidays, we will celebrate them, and we will drive the model of Popular Parties.

What is the model that drives the Popular Parties?

Our aim is not to create a consumer-based night deal. We want to promote a holiday model based on participation; that the young people of the people, the young people of yesterday ... all put their share in the sand to build a program for the people and the people, according to their desires and interests.

That is what the People's Party Commission wants to offer Amurrio, a space for participation. That is, to turn the young and adult people of Amurrio into active subjects in the construction of our people. We don't want a shop window designed with money in an office.

"We only need illusion, a desire to work and a desire to build a country to immerse ourselves in the organization of the Popular Festivities"

What have you prepared for the weekend of the parties?

The program we have prepared is very varied: paellas competition, bertsolaris, musical offer... Of course, we will also organise activities at night, but, as has been said before, outside that consumerist model. The Akelarre, organized by the Otsemeak group, will be one of the main shows of the day.

Other activities have also been recovered, such as the "Ascent to Babio without oxygen", which consists of climbing with the boxes of bottles by a tower.

13 years ago, this activity, organized by the Mendiko Lagunak group, was last celebrated, and it was highly appreciated at the local level.

How do you organize yourself to carry out the program?

In mid-May we organised a first open meeting to learn about the ambitions and wishes of the citizens. We decided to continue with the programme and have met once every two weeks since then. The People's Party Commission consists of different cultural, social and political actors: Gazte Asanblada, Amurrio Party Crews, Mendiko Lagunak, Ernai, Otsemeak, Ikama Ikasundea, Uhandre platform...

In any case, the meetings are completely open and anyone can come to make contributions. We only need illusion, a desire to work and a desire to build the people to immerse themselves in the organization of the Popular Festivities. Festivities are, in short, another instrument for the construction of the people.

How are they going to guarantee health measures?

A safety working group has been set up within the committee and is working intensively on the preparation of the plan. Among other measures, the correct definition of the perimeter is guaranteed, to guarantee the use of the mask or to avoid agglomerations maintaining the distances.

What relationship have you had with the City Hall?

We have met regularly with the City Hall to inform you of our intentions. So far you have seen with good eyes what we have proposed to you. It is clear that the People's Party Commission is an important agent in the people.

What do you expect from next year’s parties?

The aim now is to take forward this year’s programme and then immerse yourself in the rest of the town’s activities. Who knows what comes next year, but whatever comes, we will be ready!