The Social Parliament is calling for social budgets before the Government of Navarre
  • Around 40 representatives of trade unions and social partners have concentrated this Monday at noon in front of the Government of Navarra, on Karlos Avenue III.ena, to reclaim social budgets and denounce the rise in the price of light.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2021eko urriaren 04a
Argazkia: @labnafarroa

The initiative, organised by the Social Parliament of Navarre and the Charter of Rights, has been one of the first actions in favour of the social budgets to be carried out in Pamplona over the next two weeks. On 8 October they will carry out a mobilization on the Paseo de Sarasate, at 18:00 hours, under the motto Your benefits, our darkness.

On 13 and 15 October, social budgets will be held in Geltoki. On October 16, a demonstration will be held at 18:00 from the Bus Station.

Foreign Budgets 2022

In view of the days of 14 and 15 May, the Social Parliament of Navarre has highlighted a number of facts. According to the association, and according to the data underlined by the Government of Navarra for 2022, the government’s debt issue will be EUR 692 million. They say that this money will be used to pay the debt generated by UPN governments: The motorways of the Camino and the Pyrenees and the payment of the disabled tolls of the Canal de Navarra (EUR 528 million), on the one hand, and the financing of the European Funds (EUR 164 million), on the other.

According to the Social Parliament, to these 692 million debts must be added the share of the Spanish State’s debt in Navarre, which in 2022 provides for 344 million euros.

They have also underlined the fate of the European Funds: EUR 4.4 million for the Volkswagen electric car programme and another EUR 31 million for the dismantling of the railway loop of its factory; EUR 7.6 million for the development of biofuels under the management of Acciona; EUR 9.3 million for private companies for the promotion of the digital economy; EUR 18 million for the promotion of the labour market, “the biggest beneficiaries of which will be the Navarros entrepreneurs CEN, UGT and CC.OOO”.

Need for deep tax reform

The Social Parliament believes that in-depth tax reform and the fight against tax fraud are essential to meet these costs. They say that the following measures can raise this type of resource: With the rise of IRPF for high and high income, EUR 80 million; with the regularisation of profits in corporate tax, EUR 400 million; according to the analysis of tax fraud carried out by the UPNA, EUR 541 million can be recovered in this area; according to a study carried out by the Social Parliament on unfair debt, banks should return EUR 191 million to the foral government.

The Social Parliament recalls that “in order for these funds to be applied for the benefit of society, it is essential to repeal the Law on Budgetary Stability, since according to it, the revenues that exceed the expenditure ceiling allocated to the budgets must be inexorably allocated to the payment of the public debt, that is, to banks and vulture funds”.



Photo: @labnafarroa