Start collecting signatures to recover the Twitter account from Apps Euskaraz
  • On Thursday, Twitter canceled the profile of Apantallamiento Euskaraz. The association reported that days earlier it had suffered cyberattacks. The audiovisual support group in Basque has launched a campaign of signatures to "ask Twitter to respect freedom of expression and linguistic rights".
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Last Thursday the Twitter account of Apps Euskaraz was closed, after being hacked two days earlier. On this fourth day, Twitter has not given any explanation about the decisionn.En the networks have received the support of agents like him, such as platforms like Zinemak Euskaraz or Disney Euskaraz, who have pointed out that it is "incomprehensible" and have asked Twitter to "reconsider" the decision. They call to denounce the attack massively.

On Monday, the initiative launched a collection of signatures on the platform, called on the multinational Twitter to reactivate the account and "respect freedom of expression and linguistic rights".