"The end of the pandemic is in sight," according to the World Health Organization
  • Entering the "final line", the WHO insists on the need to incorporate risk groups, control new variables and improve health systems.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko irailaren 15
COVID-19ari aurre egiteko neurriak hartu ziren Euskal Herrian ere, besteak beste, espazio publikoen desinfekzioa (Argazkia: Dani Blanco)

"We haven't yet arrived, but the end of the pandemic is in sight," says Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). Since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, that is, last week the lowest number of deaths since March 2020 was recorded.

To reach the end, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has considered the integration of risk groups, the control of new variables and the improvement of health systems essential. Moreover, in people-to-people relations, evidence and monitoring measures remain important.

The Lancet magazine, seeing what has gone wrong in management

In parallel, The Lancet has published a report on the management of COVID-19 and conclusions have been disseminated in the international media: "misinformation" and "lack of cooperation between countries" have made the situation difficult. The report deplores the excesses of time and ill-care of vulnerable people, determining that many deaths could be prevented. According to the authors of the report, the WHO late named the COVID-19 pandemic and late recognized that the virus is spread by air.

The report has been prepared with the views and analyses of 28 global experts.