Create a movement to eliminate the use of palm oil
  • They have denounced that this type of oil has all the fuels that have been used in transport. The Ekologistak Martxan platform has deployed the movement throughout the Spanish state, through a Twitter hashtag.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2019ko urriaren 17a

The Environmental Confederation in Action has reported that the type of fuel used by cars and other vehicles is palm oil. In fact, among the properties of diesel fuel, biofuel occupies 7%, while in the Spanish State three quarters of the biofuels are manufactured with palm oil, according to data published by the platform.

To denounce pollution and damage to nature caused by fuels sold as organic, Twitter has started using the hashtag #SiEsPalma NoEsBio from Thursday:







The European Union set up a plan to combat this type of fuel with the aim of eliminating biodiesel by 2030. The environmental confederation, which brings together more than 300 groups from the Spanish State, has called for the immediate implementation of the plan, noting that “the decarbonisation process of the transport economy needs to be started as soon as possible, as the climate emergency requires immediate responses”.