Thousands of people call for the cessation of the genocide against Palestine in Bilbao and Pamplona
  • The Yala and Gernika-Palestine movements have filled the streets of the capitals. The demonstrations end with a performance to remember the dead.

Olaia L. Garaialde 2024ko ekainaren 10

Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Bilbao and Pamplona to denounce the attacks on Palestine. Genocide stop! convened by the Yala and Gernika-Palestine movements. Europe has not been complicit, they have come to the streets on day 8, one day before the European Elections. Demands are exclaimed such as "Israel Assassin, Auxiliary Europe", "Every dead child is our son", "Boikot Israel, liberate Palestine" and "Palestinian Gora Borroka". In the end, guided by the organization, the protesters lie down on the ground and their eyes closed to remember the dead.

The organizers have pointed out that it has caused 40,000 deaths and 70,000 injuries from the massacre against Palestine and that in the Israeli attack on Gaza on the day of the demonstration there were 200 deaths and 400 injuries. "With the complicity of states and institutions we are seeing the destruction of a whole people," they stress.

Bertsolari Jon Maia has written the text of the demonstration and read it in Basque, Spanish and Arabic. It is in direct line with the European Union and has been asked not to cooperate "either actively or passively" with the Zionist State of Israel: “We demand that the European Union do everything in its power to put an end to this barbarism. Enough!”

Pressure on governments

Lidon Soriano, a member of the Yala movement in Navarre, stressed that the gestures are not enough and that pressure must be exerted on the governments. Calls on the authorities to break their relations with Israel: "Even though Israel has broken international law, it has not yet received sanctions." It also recalls that the citizens are being asked "massively" to stop the attacks in both the Basque Country and the rest of the world: "Israel has been implementing an apartheid and occupation system for decades."

The word has been taken by the Palestinian Azahra Gha in Bilbao and has focused on the damage caused by the attacks: "After the massacre is over, children, grandparents and parents cannot volver.Se recover sumptuous material things, but not lost lives."