The Israeli boycott and the right to Palestinian resistance claim this Saturday at the Bilbao demonstration
  • Solidarity with Palestine organised a national demonstration on 28 October in Bilbao. The organization denounces that the West is “the most serious” and that it is being “the guide” and “sponsor” of the crime of genocide and war against the Palestinians. They have claimed the right to Palestinian resistance and criticised the messages that normalise Zionism.
Leire Artola Arin 2023ko urriaren 23a
Antolatzaileek salatu dute normaltzat jotzea estatu sionistarekin harreman ekonomiko, politiko eta instituzionalak. / Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea.

Various agents of the Basque Country have joined the demonstration called by Solidarity with Palestine. On October 28, he will depart at 18:00 from the Plaza Sagrada Corazón de Bilbao, under the motto "Gora Palestinian resistance, genocidal Zionism".

The demonstration has been organised to show solidarity with the resistance of the Palestinian people, but also to call for the disappearance of the Israeli Zionist State and to denounce the complicity of the West. The manifesto read to the press on Monday clarifies that it is not “the war against Hamas”, but the genocide of a people and the persecution and repression of solidarity gestures.

They warn that some messages that are spreading give legitimacy to Israel: “Those speeches that, in the name of peace, call for the interruption of violence by both parties and that equate oppressors and oppressed”. They have claimed that the Palestinians have the right to resist their occupant “in all forms and manifestations that he may adopt”: “The resistance to self-defence of a people cannot be equated with an imperialist colonial military military entity.”

Boycott Genocidal State

The conveners of the demonstration say that the most “serious” thing is that genocide is being done “with the support and leadership” of the West. They criticize that the establishment of economic, political and institutional relations with Zionism cannot be considered normal: “The boycott of the genocidal state is the time to impose disinvestment and sanctions.”

Solidarity with Palestine has underlined the need for a decolonization process that will "put an end to the State of Israel" and "the construction of Palestine free from the river to the sea, the return of refugees and exiles, and the freedom of all Palestinian political prisoners".