Israeli army kills a Palestinian since the fifth year
  • He has also arrested 15 Palestinians in a raid on a refugee camp in the city of Nablus in the West Bank. Last year, 224 people died as a result of interventions by the Israeli army and 2,672 were arrested.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urtarrilaren 12a
Israelgo Armadak palestinar bat hil du Nablus hiriko Balata errefuxiatu esparruan. / Argazkia: AP News

The Israeli army kills the 21-year-old Palestinian on Wednesday in the West Bank and arrests 15 others in the Nablus Balatas refugee camp. In 2023 there were five Palestinians killed by the Israeli Army, two of them minors.

Palestinian sources have explained that the army has attacked the refugee camp with firearms, weeping gases and grenade dizziness. Ahmed Amer Salim Abu Junaid is a young man who dies a few hours after being shot in the head.

In 2022, 224 people died as a result of interventions by the Israeli army, most of them in the last 16 years. He also arrested 2,672 Palestinians, claiming to be "suspected of terrorism."