Major Palestinian parties reach agreement for unity government
  • Hamas, Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Islamic Jihad of Palestine and ten other Palestinian groups have signed an agreement that will allow them to lead "all Palestinian territories" after the end of the genocide. They have pointed out that they have the right to "fight against the occupation and occupation of the city".
Jon Hidalgo Gereñu 2024ko uztailaren 24a
Palestinako fakzio politiko guztien ordezkariak Pekinen. Argazkia: AFP

The fourteen main Palestinian factions have reached agreement on the establishment of a temporary unity government on Palestinian territory. The negotiations have taken place in China in the last three days, and the agreement was made known on Tuesday night. The Chinese Foreign Minister has said that this is an agreement "to reconcile the nation". China, Russia, Egypt and Algeria have mediated between the factions.

The main Palestinian groups, Hamas and Fatah, and twelve others, including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad or the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, have signed the agreement. Another signatory is the Palestinian National Initiative (ANP), while PNE Secretary-General Mustafa Barghouti has ensured that the current consensus goes "much further" than any agreement reached in previous years. Particularly important is the union, because, according to Barghouti, Israel has tried to create “complicit structures” among the Palestinians, who have acted against the interests of Palestine. "These attempts will be hampered" by this agreement, said the president of the Generalitat in a statement. All parties have upheld the right of Palestine to “fight against occupation”, as enshrined in international law.

The main features of the agreement are the establishment of a transitional national unity government and the formation of a unitary Palestinian leadership for the forthcoming elections. On the other hand, they have announced that they intend to hold free elections to elect the Palestinian National Commission, which should be re-elected. In addition, it has been agreed to "fight together" for Israel's attacks "through cooperation" and cooperation has been included to ensure the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

Healing old wounds

Relations between Hamas and Fatah have been rarefied since the attempt to form a unity government in the UK failed in 2006. In 2007, Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip, which won the presidential elections. Violent conflicts have taken place in this division, and in the following years several attempts have been made to unite the two parties, but without success. The agreement that has just been reached for this reason is an important turning point.

The Israeli Government has shown itself against the agreement and has ensured that the Hamas Government will be destroyed in the Arab country. Even in cases where Palestinian unity had previously been achieved, Israel has acted very hard with the help of the United States. The division of Palestinian factions and incitement against each other have been popular in recent decades.