The militiamen again denounce the work of the Palestinian Authority against the resistance
  • The security forces of the Palestinian Authority play an active role vis-à-vis members of the resistance: persecution, robberies, boycotts, etc.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2024ko irailaren 27a
Argazkia: Joe Biden eta Palestinako presidente Mahmud Abbas 2022ko bilkura batean. Reuters

"The continued persecution of resistance fighters in the West Bank by the Palestinian Authority, the confiscation of their weapons, the dismantling of the occupation lines during the attacks (particularly in the north) and the dismantling of explosive devices, imply benefiting the occupation and participating in a practical and savage attack on our land and our people." The Palestinian militiamen have once again pronounced strongly against the Palestinian Authority (PA), pointing out its fundamental role in the fight against resistance.

It was reported yesterday that the PA, led by the Palestinian President, Mahmud Abbas, continues its operations against resistance fighters through the police security forces under its control. Thus, the PA continues to collaborate with the criminal occupation work of the Zionist State of Israel, placing obstacles to Palestinian resistance.

The Palestinian Authority, in commitment

The Palestinian resistance has underlined that "it is a blow to resilience" to collaborate with the Zionist occupation and that this "greatly" harms "the sacrifices and resistance of the Palestinian people". Thus, the Palestinian organised resistance wanted to put the AP in a compromise, seeing, among other things, that in the West Bank the offensive of the Israeli State is also intensifying.

The Resistance has called on the country to "put an end to its suspicious and unacceptable behaviour" and to work "for the security forces in its possession to participate in the resistance", "facing the occupation and expelling it from the Palestinian lands".

In fact, the militiamen raise suspicions that, as if it were by chance, the "suspicious campaign" of the PA police forces has been linked to the recent attacks by the State of Israel and the Zionist settlers, which have increased considerably in the West Bank.