Palestine will not be part of the UN once again for the collapse of the US with Israel
  • The decision to approve Palestine as a UN Member State was voted on this Thursday in the Security Council. Although the majority, 12 votes, were in favour, together with two abstentions, the US refusal was sufficient to withdraw the proposal.
Axier Lopez @axierL 2024ko apirilaren 19a
AEBetako ordezkari Robert Wood, Palestina kide izatearen aurkako botoa ematen. Argazkia: AFP

The United States has once again defended Israel’s interests in the United Nations, against Palestine becoming a full member. And so Palestine, through the Palestinian National Authority, excluded from Hamas, will continue to be "the observer state" as it has done so far.

The resolution has been submitted by Algeria on behalf of the Arab Group of the United Nations. 12 votes in favour (Russia, China, France, Algeria, Ecuador, Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Korea and Sierra Leone), two abstentions (United Kingdom and Switzerland) and voting against the USA. In other words, although the UN represents 193 states all over the world, a vote against a country is sufficient to decide on behalf of all, according to the undemocratic regulations in force in the UN Security Council.

The United States has re-voted on the basis of what Israel is asking for. Two parties were made clear in the vote on Thursday. On the one hand, the isolation of Israel and the United States from the majority position of the so-called international community. And on the other hand, defending Israel’s interests at all costs is strategic for the United States. Several voices from the Democratic Party of Joe Biden and many of its voters have called for a firmer stance towards Israel, not sending arms to the Zionists. But Thursday's decision has clarified all the doubts: beyond the dialectical debate about the electoral environment in the United States, the defense of the Zionist project is the priority of the US government.

According to the spokesperson for EE.UU. At the UN, Palestine does not qualify to be considered a UN member state, "Hamas is a terrorist organization that has power in Gaza." EE.UU. argued that the Palestinian state, if created, should come as a result of bilateral negotiations with Israel and not "unilaterally impose". In view of this, Ziad Abu Amr, the representative of Palestine, has reminded the Security Council of how Israel, which was brought into the UN by a decision, was joined by the hand of resolution 181, which was voted in 1948 and has since been a full member state.

Since 7 October, it is the fourth time that the US has used the veto in favour of Israel. The three resolutions calling for an immediate truce in Gaza have been vetoed on the grounds that Israel did not recognize its right to defend itself or that the truce would only serve to rearm Hamas.