The City Council of Baztan approves the defense of the hermitage of San Marcial de Lekaroz against the Palacio de Arozteguia
  • At the ordinary plenary session of the Baztan City Council on August 23, Palacio de Aroztegua took the decision to defend in civil litigation the property of the village hermitage taken over. The decision included six votes in favor of EH Bil, the Left and Baztan Auzolanean. The two from Gero Bai voted against and the three from the UPN voted against it.
Erran .eus @erran_eus 2018ko abuztuaren 27a
Auzibidean San Martzial elizaren defentsa eginen du Baztango Udalak. (Argazkia: Juan Mari Ondikol)

The hermitage of San Marcial de Lekaroz is located in the area of the Carpinteria and to the surprise of the Lekaroz people it was observed that the hermitage was in the hands of the Palacio de Aroztegua in the plan of redistribution of the Transmunicipal Sectoral Plan of the Carpinteria. For this reason, in February of this year, the town of Lekaroz asked the City Council of Baztan to defend the property of the hermitage in civil litigation through the mayor of the town. At the March plenary session, however, in order to clarify matters more quickly, the City Council decided to open the investigation file and, with the file in progress, in the summer of this year, the Carpinteria Palace took the matter to the civil courts. Thus, in yesterday’s plenary session, the majority decided to stand up for the interests of the Lázares in the litigation.

Mayor Joseba Otondo said that the first responsibility of political representatives is to protect and preserve the property of the people and that with yesterday’s decision, each party is portrayed about this political and public responsibility.

In this way, the issue of the hermitage from the perspective of public heritage must be added to the discussion of communal lands that the Supermunicipal Sectoral Plan of the Carpinteria has adopted without the approval of the General Assembly.

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