Suspicious packages appear in Barcelona at the headquarters of Òmnium, ANC, CUP and ERC
  • Four packages with the Spanish flag and the letters "TNT" appeared this Wednesday morning at the headquarters of Òmnium, ANC, the Cup and ERC, in Barcelona, in Catalonia. The Mossos d'Esquadra have mobilized the TEDAX groups and activated the anti-explosive protocol, although everything points to the fact that these are simulated packages.
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Bost bidoi utzi dituzte atarietan, lehergailuak zirela simulatuz. (Argazkia: Tot Barcelona)

Drums filled with a green liquid, with the Spanish flag placed above and the letters TNT written at the entrance of the headquarters, according to the media in a statement. The Mossos d'Esquadra have cut off the streets in which these sites are located, and reopened the drums after their withdrawal.

Tot Barcelona has published several photos of drums.

The drums have been removed by the Mossos d'Esquadra, according to the same sources. (Photo: Adrià Latsue (Argentina)

The operation started around 8:00 a.m. today. As the day progresses, there appear to have been five drums that have appeared, in the following locations: At the headquarters of Òmnium, ANC, Interior of the Generalitat, CUP and ERC.