Demonstration against the IAP law on 7 May
  • On Wednesday, PSN and Navarra Suma passed the PAI draft bill, an initiative that has been opposed by various unions and unions.
Iñaut Gonzalez de Matauko Rada @inautogdm 2022ko apirilaren 29a
Tuteran egindako elkarretaratzea. (Argazkia: Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua)

Navarra Suma and the PSN approved preliminary projects to stabilize the jobs of 350 teachers of the Anteayer English Learning Program (PAI). The Council of Euskalgintza has described this law as a draft bill as an attack on model D and has organised a demonstration on 7 May in Pamplona, together with the trade union majority.

The Council of Euskalgintza has described the PAI law as "barbaric" and has called for "filling the streets" in the face of this situation. The parliamentary majority considers that this draft law "has been used to make languages and linguistic communities disappear", and has described this use as "miserable".

The LAB syndicate has affirmed that the conversion of the PAI into a Navarre linguistic model is "discriminatory and without legal certainty" and that the majority of union members in education will go out on the street on day 7. For its part, the STEILAS union says that the law of the PAI preliminary draft is "a legal instrument to modify the templates and dismiss teachers who are not interested in them".

The demonstration will take place on 7 May, at 17:30 hours, from Antoniutti Square in Pamplona/Iruña.