Rapper Pablo Hashim closes in the rectorado of the University of Lleida to hinder his arrest
  • The Lleida musician Pablo Hashim, who will be imprisoned for songs about the former king of Spain Juan Carlos I.ari, ended last Friday the deadline for volunteering in prison. He has been sentenced to nine months and one day in prison for a crime of alluding to terrorism and of injuries to the crown. In the end, Haséle will resist to complicate his arrest.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2021eko otsailaren 15
Pablo Hasél Lleidako unibertsitateko errektoretzan itxi da, zenbait pertsonaren laguntzarekin. (Argazkia: La Directa / Clara Barbal)

"I have started a lockdown at the University of Lleida with many supporters and they will have to destroy me to stop and imprison me. He's in the Rambla d'Aragon rectory if someone wants to give us a hand," the singer himself said on social media.

Meanwhile, from the platform created in solidarity with him, people are being called to go to the appointment and organize the resistance.


At the press conference on 1 February, the singer has already made it clear that he will not go to jail, according to the Catalan newspaper La Directa. On Monday morning he is in the Student Councils Room of the University of Lleida, where several people are performing guards.

The university is inactive by COVID-19 and active resistance is proposed. On 1 February, the judges of the Spanish Supreme Court allowed him to appear in prison for the defendant.

"You do not need to agree with everything I say to see that this is a serious attack on freedom of expression," the rapper said on more than one occasion.

Over the weekend, the solidarity platform Hasélekin has denounced that the Mossos d'Esquadra have followed and arrested several members and even questioned them.

In the middle of the electoral campaign in Catalonia, on February 8, the UN Podemos presented in Congress a bill to "protect freedom of expression" and that would remove references to "crimes of opinion" from the Penal Code. The prosecution has responded favourably to the appeal filed by the defense of singer Rap.