Polish Foreign Minister says he hopes the trial against Pablo González will be "soon"
  • Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, in response to questions raised at a press conference, points out that the charges attributed to the Basque journalist are "very serious", but does not indicate exactly what is attributed to him. Gonzalez has been incarcerated in Poland since February 2022 accusing him of "espionage" for Russia
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2023ko maiatzaren 24a
Errumaniako, Espainiako eta Poloniako Atzerri ministroak, ezker-eskuin, Valentzian egindako bilkuran. argazkia: Espainiako Atzerri ministerioa.

At a tripartite congress held in Valencia by Romania, the Spanish State and Poland, a high representative from Poland spoke for the first time of the case of the Basque journalist, Pablo González, imprisoned in that country. The Polish Foreign Minister, Zbigniew Rau, has responded to journalists at a post-conference hearing on the subject, with prior knowledge of the question.

Thus, Rau states that he hopes that the trial against González "will be soon", but that the case continues to be investigated: "Believe me, the interest of Spain and Poland is to close and end the dispute, but the accusation must be well prepared," he said. The Polish Foreign Minister says that the charges attributed to the journalist are "very serious", but does not give more information or say what exactly is attributed to him.

Gonzalez was arrested on the Polish border in February 2022 while reporting on the flood of refugees caused by the war between Ukraine and Russia. He spent a year in isolation in prison until recently he was able to visit one of his lawyers.

At the same hearing in Valencia, Spain's Foreign Minister José Manuel Albars said that "their fundamental rights, especially those of defence, are fully guaranteed".

The case of Pablo González has had a great impact, especially in the Basque Country. Among other things, signature meetings and events have been held to call for an end to the persecution of the Basque journalist.