Pablo González denounces from jail his helplessness, in the absence of occasional accusations
  • After 16 months of provisional imprisonment in Poland, journalist Pablo González received the second visit on the weekend. The couple Oihana Goiriena has pointed out that the most serious thing is that González cannot defend himself because he has not yet been charged with a specific charge.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko ekainaren 20a
Pablo Gonzalez kazetariak Poloniako espetxetik hilabeteotan jasotako elkartasuna eskertu du.

Oihana Goiriena, the eldest daughter of both and Gonzalez's mother, has been authorized to visit journalist Pablo González and has been able to speak with lawyer Gonzalo Boye. This is the second visit he has received in Polish prison for 16 months and Goiriena reports that González is physically well, but he is being affected by the months in isolation. The exit to the patio is one hour daily.

The journalist says that the most serious thing is that there is no specific complaint at sixteen months. “The only argument for keeping Paul in jail is to be an informant who benefits Russia, but anyone who knows his work knows that this is not the case,” Goiriena says. Gonzalez denounces the defenceless from prison, according to Goiriena: “It is impossible to defend it with minimum guarantees when no concrete complaint is known, as is the case with Paul.” He stresses that the visit has been two hours, and in addition to recording it, they have been accompanied at all times by a translator, an agent of the Polish secret services and two prison officials.

The couple stressed that González was “very angry” especially with the Polish Foreign Minister of Action, as in his hearings he said that the charges against González are “serious, very serious”. He criticizes that the minister has more information than the defendant and his lawyer.

Gratitude for solidarity

Goiriena says that in addition to his anger he has also expressed his joy to the family for the solidarity he is receiving these months and the support of the members of the FreePablo platform. He assures that they will remain in place, that they will accept the right to speak with their families on the telephone, that they will speak with their children on a regular basis and that they will have a fair trial.