Pablo Gonzalez meets the trusted attorney when he has been in prison for 53 days
  • The Basque journalist, imprisoned in Poland, has been transferred from Rzeszów prison to Radmon prison in the city. The first is about 400 kilometres from the capital, while the second is about 100, according to the Public Journal.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 22a
González iragan otsailaren 3an Madrilgo Unibertsitate Complutenseko jardunaldi batzuetan. (Argazkia: UCM)

There has also been a second significant change and, for the first time, Pablo González has been able to choose the trusted Polish lawyer. So far the Polish Public Prosecutor's Office has placed two of his offices, but in both cases the work of the two defendants has been suspended. The lawyer who carries his general defence is, however, the lawyer Gonzalo Boyé, who carries, among others, the defence of the Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont.

In addition, being closer to the capital, the family believes that the journalist will have more visits to the Consulate of Spain. So far, the journalist has received two visits from the consul, the only visits he has received in his life.

Gonzalez was arrested on 28 February in Poland during the war in Ukraine. For the time being, he must remain in prison in the country until 29 May, when it will be decided whether he is on parole until the date of the trial or whether he is in prison. The journalist is accused of espionage, and with these accusations he can suffer up to ten years in prison.

According to Público his wife, Oihana Goiriena, during this time he has not had the opportunity to speak on the phone with his partner.