26 trade unions call for the release of journalist Pablo González
  • The trade unions in the Basque Country are concerned about the situation of Pablo González. They ask that the journalist who is detained in Poland be released as soon as possible and free of charge.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko irailaren 07a

Numerous trade unions have denounced that the situation of Pablo González is "absolutely undemocratic and unjust". ELA, LAB, STEILAS and other trade unions in the Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia and the Spanish State have published a note asking the Polish authorities to release the journalist as soon as possible and free of charge.

Trade unions consider the arrest of a journalist "unacceptable" for such an arbitrary and unsubstantiated state. They have described the press as an attack on freedom and democracy, and they have asked the Spanish State and the European Union to do everything in their power to put an end to ‘injustice’.

The signatories recall that González is in practice incommunicado, since he was arrested six months ago he has only received five letters from the family, all of them very late, and has only been able to contact the lawyer and the Consulate of the Spanish State.


Class Trade Union Lternative, ASC

Central Unitaria de Trabajadores CUT Galicia

CUT Aragón Colectivo Unitario

Labour Commissions, CCOO

Interunion Confederation

Galician Inter-Trade Union Confederation, IGC

National Confederation of Labour CNT

Trade Union Confederation Workers' Solidarity

Coordinadora Obrera Sindical COS Països Catalans

Central Sindical de Izquierdo, CSI Asturias

ELA Unión Euskal Herria

Union ESK Euskal Herria

Interunion Alternative of Catalonia, IAC

Intersindical Canaria

Catalan Interunion

Interunion Valencia

LAB Union of the Basque Country

Aragon OSTA Langile Sindikala

EMT Trade Union Platform

General Union of Workers UGT

Union 25 de Marzo de Extremadura

Andalusian Workers Union SAT Andalucia

The General Assembly of Health

Trade Union CO.BAS

STEI Balears

Basque Country