Otxantegi Herri Lurra of Berango celebrates its second anniversary with the threat of eviction
  • The second anniversary of the Otxantegi Herri Lurra project in Berango is celebrated on 13 April. But on 18 April they will be threatened by the second attempt at eviction.
Ainara Rodil Jaime 2024ko apirilaren 05

Almost three months ago (23 November), thanks to the support of the attendees, they managed to face the first attempt to evict the occupied camp in the vicinity of the Otxandategi tower in Berango. “That day was not the final triumph,” said Otxantegi’s friends and add that “we know that we will have to respond more forcefully to the next attempt, because they will also come more prepared, with more resources.”

After this first attempt at eviction, the risk will arise on 18 April. They therefore call for “solidarity” so that the eviction can be suspended again and continue to enjoy and take care of the space. They call for a popular breakfast for people to approach 8:30 in the morning.

But before they organized the festival of the second anniversary of the project on 13 April and they have drawn up an all-day programme: