Wolf hunting will be prohibited before 25 September in the Spanish State
  • The Ministry for the Ecological Transition of Spain published on 18 May the draft of a ministerial order that provides for the inclusion of the wolf in the List of Wild Species of Special Protection. The Government of Vitoria-Gasteiz has ruled out this idea.
Ixone Arana @ixonearana1 2021eko maiatzaren 20a
Arabako azken otsoa.

The wolf will no longer be a cinegetic species before 25 September. The Ministry for the Ecological Transition of Spain has published the project on the 18th of mayo.Como reported Naiz, will be exposed to the public for 20 days and will set a transitional timetable until the Sectoral Conference approves the future State Strategy of the Wolf.

Until such time as the "State Strategy of the Wolf" is in place, the current measures of "control" of the autonomous communities over their lobe populations can continue to be applied. Ascel, the association for the care and study of the Iberian wolf, has disagreed with the decision and hung on Twitter:

The Last Wolf of Álava

As explained by Maria Ortega Zubiate in ARGIA, on February 6, 2020 the Provincial Council of Álava granted the license to murder the last wolf of the territory claiming “the damage caused by the animal”. He gave the farmers of the Sierra de Álava a period of fourteen days for the wolf to die.

The environmental groups were against this decision, as between Ekologistak Martxan and Euskal Otso Taldea over 105,000 signatures in support of the initiative were collected. On 5 February last the Basque Government declared interest in the declaration of wolf as a threatened species and the following day the Council annulled the hunting permit. After going to the Fiscal Wolf Group of the Basque Country.