Today the trial begins against the graffiti of Iruña Veleia
  • In the trial, the defendants face three people. The Prosecutor’s Office and the Provincial Council of Álava accuse them of falsifying graffiti at the Alavés archaeological site of the CAV.
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Iruña-Veleian aurkitutako piezetako bat.

There are three defendants in the case, and the investigation is still open. In the time of the events the director of the site, Eliseo Gil; the archaeologist Oscar Escribano; and the nuclear physicist Rubén Manuel Cerdán. The first two are accused of falsifying some graffiti found on the site, while the physicist is charged with false reports that would prove their truthfulness.

Requests for years in prison

The Prosecutor's Office asks Gil for a five-and-a-half year prison sentence for a continued crime against historical heritage and another for private document fraud. The Member's request is seven and a half years, since the previous accusations are accompanied by a continuing crime of damage and fraud. The Deputation requests three years and nine months in jail for the archaeologist Escribano, charged with a crime of damage to cultural heritage. The Prosecutor’s Office raises the petition to five and a half years, considering that he is also charged with a crime of scam. The Deputy asks for three years and nine months in jail for Cerdan's physicist, and the prosecutor's office asks for two years and six months in jail for a scam crime.

Origins of Euskera

In the years 2005 and 2006, the company Lurmen, which was analysing the archaeological site of Iruña Veleia, made several graphites known. The stories sounded. The graphites were written on ceramic pieces, from which it can be deduced that in the third century the Basque was spread around. Accusations of fraud arose and opinions and attitudes towards and against fraud have since multiplied.

Prior to the trial, on February 1, the members of the Iruña Veleia Argitu platform carried out a bicycle ride in Vitoria-Gasteiz and concentrated before the court in Vitoria-Gasteiz under the motto “No science, no justice!”. The platform alleges that the defendants are innocent and calls for more scientific evidence to determine whether or not the pieces are false, according to the same source.