The disqualification of Otegi could be suspended following confirmation of the European judgment in the Bateragune case
  • The Spanish State has not appealed against the European judgment of the Bateragune case and the judgment is therefore final. The impertinence of the sentences imposed on Arnaldo Otegi and the members of the Abertzale left who were arrested alongside him is thus confirmed. The sentences were put on the street, but the new situation may affect the disqualifications imposed on it.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko otsailaren 20a
Otegik ezin izan zuen lehendakarigai izan 2016ko EAEko hauteskundeetan inhabilitazioaren erruz (argazkia: Aiaraldea).

Journalist Ramon Sola has revealed in Naiz that the ruling of the Spanish National Court that convicted the convicted in the Bateragune case in 2011 will now be appealed.

The new initiative is in addition to the one already launched in the Spanish Constitutional Court against the same ruling and could lead to the suspension of the disqualification imposed on Arnaldo Otegi. In the 2016 elections Otegi could not be a candidate for EH Bildu for this ruling – 2021. Bateragune’s ruling denied him access to public office until 2019.

According to Naiz, on 6 February the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg finally declared the judgment in the Bateragune case, since the Spanish State has not appealed the judgment after it was made public in November last year.

It has therefore been confirmed that Arnaldo Otegi, Sonia Jacinto, Miren Zabaleta, Arkaitz Rodríguez and Rafa Díez did not have a fair trial and that the six and a half years spent in prison were unfairly applied.

Otegi’s defence, with the judgment in hand, will now appeal to the Spanish High Court of Justice, according to Naiz. It remains to be seen whether the measure against the leader of the Abertzale left is being lifted along that road, or whether it is the path previously begun in the Constitutional Court that allows Otegi to stand in the elections.