The six young people who this Friday will contest the Lizardi Award Final
  • The bertsolaris who made the final of the Zarautz Lizardi Prize were as follows: Andoni Rekondo (Hernani), Aner Peritz Euzkitze (Zarautz), Gorka Pagonabarraga (Durango), Oier Etxeberria (Azpeitia), Aitor Tatiegi (OƱati) and Naia Arrizabalaga (Azkotia). The final will start at 22:00 in the Model room.
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2022ko abuztuaren 30
2021eko Lizardi Sariko finala Txaber Altubek irabazi zuen. Argazkia:

The Lizardi Prize is organized by the Bertsolarism Etxebeltz-Motxian, with the collaboration of the City of Zarautz, and in this edition 16 bertsolaris from all over Euskal Herria, aged 25 years or less have participated. For the selection of the finalists, on 25 and 26 August the eliminatory works were held at the Imanol Urbieta Music School.

Last year's Lizardi Prize was for Txaber Altube.