The digital store of the Durango Fair will open its doors on Thursday afternoon
  • The Durango Fair will be held virtually this year and the first edition of the digital store will be held on Thursday. In addition to the purchase and sale of products, a cultural program of 100 activities has also been organized.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko azaroaren 26a
Aurtengo programa eta denda digitala aurkezteko prentsaurrekoa, Landako gunean (Argazkia: Durangoko Azoka)

As a result of the pandemic, the Durango Fair has also had to adapt to the context. Therefore, this year the Landako space of Durango will not be filled with people and will look different: it will be a showcase of the different warehouses and cultural events of the online store. A catalog of 2,319 products can be found in the virtual store, which the user can pick up in the so-called “wish basket”. The amount collected in the basket will be paid on the days of the fair, from 4 to 8 December. Until then, no purchases can be made.

The manager of the association Gerediaga, Arantza Atutxa, has been satisfied with the reception that the digital store has had among the agents. As he explained, about 90% of the editors who participated in the fair in previous editions have joined the edition this year and a total of 185 publishers, record labels, cultural institutions and self-producers will sell their works in the digital store.

In addition to the purchase and sale of tickets, the fair will have a wide cultural offer, as more than 100 activities have been prepared for all the public. On Thursday afternoon, the programme of events will also be held and the possibility of making reservations for live sessions will be opened. Access to cultural offers will be restricted for health reasons, but can be followed through the network. Cultural events will take place at Plateruena Kafe Antzokia and Landako Gunea, with music as the main axis of the Plateruena programme and performances as the axis of the Landako space.