The Government of Navarre approves measures to limit time and hospitality groups
  • The closing of the premises is limited to 02:00 hours, and the groups that could be at the tables have been reduced to ten people.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2020ko uztailaren 23a
Maria Txibite presidentea, kazetariei adierazpenak ematen (Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia)

The Government of Navarra today approved a new package of urgent measures, the sixth, to prevent new infections and to control outbreaks of people. At the extraordinary session of government held at the Palacio de Navarra, a foral decree has been approved with preventive measures to control outbreaks and prevent the emergence of news that may endanger public health.

Among other measures, it has been approved to reduce the hours of bars, nightclubs and entertainment venues, as well as other venues, such as gastronomic societies and playrooms, among others. Coexistence and leisure activities on public roads at night, between 02:00 and 06:00 in the morning, for example the so-called "botillones", have also been banned. Likewise, in the field of hospitality, the groups have been limited to a maximum of ten people per table, except in the case of living together, and the safe distance between tables must be maintained.

Epidemiological situation

The Instituto de Salud Pública y Laboral de Navarra has verified that the epidemiological situation has changed in the last two weeks due to the increased incidence in the age group from 15 to 29 years. Two weeks ago, 35% of cases were in this age group, compared with 65% next week. Only 5% of people over 64 years of age.

For this reason, it has considered it necessary to implement prevention and control measures that reduce the transmission of the disease, especially in leisure environments and social spaces.

Fifteen days

These measures shall be valid for a period of 15 days, which may be extended by a further 15 days, where justified by the health and epidemiological situation. The local authorities have been able to reduce the closing hours of the establishments in the municipalities, provided that the measure affects their territorial scope and is justified in reasons of the evolution of the state of health. If the agreement affects the entire Foral Community, the measure shall be adopted by the Counsellor or Director-General of Health.

Health authorities are also empowered to adopt, on a temporary basis, the necessary and proportionate complementary measures to prevent the spread of localised outbreaks.