Complaint by the Israeli doctor:
"In the hospital Palestinian prisoners have their hands and legs tied and eyes blindfolded"
  • An Israeli doctor makes serious accusations about the treatment of Palestinians in a war hospital, with their legs and hands spared, amputations, their diaper feces and feeding them with a straw.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2024ko apirilaren 05a
Argazkia: AFP/Said Khatib

Following 7 October, the Sde Teiman war hospital was built between Gaza and the city of Bersheeba in the Negev desert to serve the Palestinians involved in this attack. The complaining doctor tells Israeli newspaper Haaretz what is happening there. The newspaper has not given its name, but is not anonymous, as the doctor has sent the letter published by the newspaper to the Government of Israel and the Minister of Defence.

As the doctor details in the letter, this hospital is not complying with the laws of Israel and the rights of Palestinian fighters are being violated. This leads to “frequent ethical problems have to be faced since the hospital’s birth”.

He denounces that the hospital does not receive an orderly supply of medicines and health. All patients have their legs and hands tied with the palm of their hand throughout the day, with their eyes covered, they are given to eat with a straw, many of them forced to do the feces in the diaper. “Under these conditions, the doctor ensures that healthy young patients also lose weight within a week or two.”

Most patients come to the hospital as a result of damage sustained during their detention, including injuries caused by prolonged chaining. Thus, many of them need surgical interventions. Haaretz has received from three sources that last year had to cut the hand of a prisoner for the wounds that he was chained for a long time.

Haaretz has talked about the issue with a number of officials and everyone considers the doctor’s allegations very serious and believes they will be investigated. For the Israeli Army, on the contrary, no more thorough investigation has been opened because no signs of crime have been found: “The care of each detainee is documented and supervised and takes extreme care of his human dignity. Among the suspicious terrorism there are many dangers that want to harm any Israeli, including the doctors themselves.”

According to an official of the Ministry of Health, “the health care received in Sde Teiman coincides with all international standards and treaties signed by Israel.”

According to the Israeli human rights association HaMoked, 849 Palestinian prisoners were detained in Gaza on 1 April in Israeli jails.