Ospak calls to Altsasu on July 22
  • It has announced that it will prepare an all-day programme, including a roundtable and a demonstration that will analyse "the repressive nature of the autonomous police forces".  
Guaixe .eus @guaixe 2019ko ekainaren 04a

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The members of the Ospa movement took to the streets on July 22 “to show the forces of repression and occupation that we are going to stand firm. To make it clear that we choose solidarity and organization in the face of repression.” They have reported that they have organised a programme for the whole day, but they have only advanced two events that have developed throughout the day. First, there will be a round table that will bring together “several people who have suffered the repression of the Cipayas police forces” to “analyze the role of the integral police in the occupation and repression of Euskal Herria and reflect on their role in society”. The event will take place in the Iortia cultural center, at 12:00. The other is a manifestation.

The members of Ospa denounced the closed agreement between the Altsasu City Hall and the Foral Police and its “impact”: “Social control, which was already great before, has multiplied enormously and the alsasuarras we have to suffer the suffocating presence of the Foral Police. To all this, adding the obvious presence of the Civil Guard, it is a sign that Euskal Herria is still persecuted and occupied”. In the opinion of Ospa, the Foral Police “is an occupying force of repression. He persecutes Basque citizenship together with the Civil Guard.” The Ospas will not accept “any replacements. The Comprehensive Police Project does not suppose, much less, help to stop repression.” In addition, they have highlighted the "repressive character" of the Foral Police, with a number of examples.

Since the anti-repression movement, they have warned that “those here or those outside are the same”. They added, “together with the Civil Guard, it forms a joint mechanism in which, in the absence of in-depth discussions and changes around repression, repression against the Basque working people is enthusiastically initiated. Its aim is to defend the capitalist system. Defense of the Spanish State occupied by Euskal Herria”.