Ospa claims "organization and struggle" to end the repression in Alsasua
  • "It is time to strengthen the movement against repression in the context of a new capitalist offensive. Solidarity with repression, protecting each other, disobeying repressive forces, making uncertainty, building self-defense, weaving networks". Some 1,300 people participated in the demonstration, which took place in Bilbao.
Guaixe .eus @guaixe 2020ko abuztuaren 31
Altsasun asteburuan egindako Ospa Eguneko irudia. Argazkia:

Since the movement, they have indicated that the group "Ospa!" It's "out." If you don't want a day, deliver the weapons and dissolve. In the meantime, we reaffirm ourselves in the option of denouncing repression and creating mechanisms of mutual support against it". This link contains photos of the mobilizations, published by Guaix himself. Next, the message read by Ospa Mugimendua.