The Ospa movement calls for the suspension of open investigation
  • Out! By the end of the week against the repression organized by the popular movement, he has offered a press conference in which several Altsasu agents have participated. The Provincial Court of Navarra is investigating whether this is a "hate crime" committed on Ospa's day. They have denounced it and stated that Ospa’s activity is legitimate. A number of groups have adhered to this.
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They recognized the legitimacy of Ospa’s action, denounced the harassment of the movement and demanded that the open investigation be suspended at the Provincial Court of Navarra: Egubera Sports Association, Altsasu Memoria, Quintos this year, Ikasle Abertzaleak, Altsasuko Gazte Asanblada, Groups for prisoners, Askapena, Altsasuko Aske popular platform, Pensioner Coordinator, Altsasu LAB, Txuelixyoseibukan