The film 'Zumiriki' by Oskar Alegria opens the festival Punto de Vista de Pamplona
  • You will return home: Oskar Alegria left two years ago as director of the documentary film festival Punto de Vista de Pamplona, and this Wednesday it has been known that the 2020 edition of the festival will be inaugurated by a work led by himself, the premiere in Venice of Zumiriki.
Gorka Bereziartua Mitxelena @gorka_bm 2019ko abenduaren 11
Oskar Alegriak Veneziako festibalean estreinatu zuen bere azken filma eta datorren urteko martxoan Iruñeko Punto de Vistan ikusi ahal izango da.

The 14th edition of the Punto de Vista festival will be held in 2020 and in addition to the film of Alegría, it will have a varied offer, always focused on non-fiction cinema. This Wednesday the first details of next year’s edition, including the publication of the festival this year, have been released.

In this publication, four filmmakers will play a leading role "in the vanguard and experimental cinema of the 1980s": three Germans (Ute Aurand, Renate Sami and Helga Fanderl) and a Chilean (Jeanbinate Muñoz), long-standing directors, renowned for their work at the most prestigious European festivals. The organization has announced that there will also be retrospective cycles to deepen its work.

In addition, An Oceanic Feel by Erika Balsom will be another retrospective of this year: With the essay on the sea and the cinema that he published eleven years ago, the cycle will unite the great directors of the history of cinema with contemporary cinema through the metaphor of the sea. Six programs will show the different ways of representing the sea in documentary film.

On the other hand, the X Films project celebrates this year 10 years and on the occasion of this anniversary, all the films won by X Films will be screened in the Civivox Condestable room – from 2009 to the present day, Punto de Vista has invited three creators to present their documentary session projects, and then choose one of them and rotate them in Navarre.

In addition, in March 2020, Rojo del director Maddi Barber, the 10th film winner of the X Films project, which has directed, among others, the documentaries 592 metroz Goiti and Urpean Lurra, will be presented.